Interface DownloadResourceReader

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AttachmentDownloadResourceReader, FileDownloadResourceReader, GenericDownloadResourceReader, PartialAttachmentDownloadResourceReader, ThumbnailDownloadResourceReader, WebImagesDownloadResourceReader

public interface DownloadResourceReader
  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      User-displayable name of the resource. Used for resource name when downloading, for example.
      a user-displayable name of the resource
    • getContentType

      String getContentType()
    • getContentLength

      long getContentLength()
    • getLastModificationDate

      Date getLastModificationDate()
    • getStreamForReading

      InputStream getStreamForReading()
      The input stream for reading the resource. A new input stream is returned for each call to this method.

      The client is responsible for closing the returned stream in a finally block.

      InputStream for reading