Interface SaveContext

All Superinterfaces:
OperationContext<PageUpdateTrigger>, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface SaveContext extends OperationContext<PageUpdateTrigger>, Serializable
Context for managers to call upon when making decisions about how to save an object.

  • Method Details

    • doUpdateLastModifier

      boolean doUpdateLastModifier()
      UpdateLastModifier indicates whether to update the LastModifier field when saving a page.
      true if the LastModifier should be updated
    • setUpdateLastModifier

      @Deprecated void setUpdateLastModifier(boolean updateLastModifier)
      since 6.0. Use DefaultSaveContext.builder() instead.
    • setSuppressNotifications

      @Deprecated void setSuppressNotifications(boolean suppressNotifications)
      since 6.0. Use DefaultSaveContext.builder() instead.
      Indicates that notifications should not be sent out informing users of the changes to this content.
    • isSuppressAutowatch

      boolean isSuppressAutowatch()
      Control whether the save should result in the page being watched by the creator if they have their autowatch setting on. This has no effect if the event is suppressed as it is implemented as a property on the event.
      if true if automatic watches is to be suppressed.