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public interface ContentDao
DAO to allow us to load content objects by id for migration.

This was introduced because ContentEntityManager cannot be autowired by type in spring 2.0. Secondly, was introduced to make unit testing easier.

You should not consider this interface public. It is required to provide some Confluence 4 migration specific functionality but not for use outside this context.

  • Method Details

    • getById

      ContentEntityObject getById(long id)
    • getLatestContentCount

      int getLatestContentCount()
    • getLatestOrderedWikiContentFromContentId

      List<ContentEntityObject> getLatestOrderedWikiContentFromContentId(long startContentId, int maxRows)
      startContentId - start content id
      maxRows - max rows
      the latest versions of wiki content within the specified bounds
    • getOrderedXhtmlContentFromContentId

      List<ContentEntityObject> getOrderedXhtmlContentFromContentId(long startContentId, int maxRows)

      This is for internal use only, Do not rely on it as a public API. This is used to retrieve batches of data during migration or upgrades.

      Warning: You will want to keep maxRows as small as possible because a list of CEO can be a very memory hungry structure. A good example is the default used in content migration which is 500.

      startContentId -
      maxRows -
      a list ordered by id of all the ContentEntityObjects with XHTML formatted bodies.
    • getLatestOrderedXhtmlContentFromContentIds

      List<ContentEntityObject> getLatestOrderedXhtmlContentFromContentIds(long startContentId, long endContentId)

      This is for internal use only, Do not rely on it as a public API. This is used to retrieve batches of data during migration or upgrades.

      Warning: You will want to keep maxRows as small as possible because a list of CEO can be a very memory hungry structure. A good example is the default used in content migration which is 500.

      a list ordered by id of all the latest ContentEntityObjects with XHTML formatted bodies.
    • getLatestOrderedXhtmlContentIds

      List<Long> getLatestOrderedXhtmlContentIds(long startContentId, int maxRows)

      This is for internal use only, Do not rely on it as a public API. This is used to retrieve batches of data during migration or upgrades.

      startContentId -
      maxRows -
      a ordered list of IDs of all the latest ContentEntityObjects with XHTML formatted bodies.
    • getXhtmlSpaceDescriptionsFromContentId

      List<ContentEntityObject> getXhtmlSpaceDescriptionsFromContentId(long startContentId, int maxRows)

      This is for internal use only, Do not rely on it as a public API. This is used to retrieve batches of data during migration or upgrades.

      Warning: You will want to keep maxRows as small as possible because a list of CEO can be a very memory hungry structure. A good example is the default used in content migration which is 500.

      startContentId -
      maxRows -
      a list ordered by id of all the SpaceDescriptions with BodyContent of type BodyType.XHTML
    • getCountOfXhtmlContent

      int getCountOfXhtmlContent()

      This is for internal use only, Do not rely on it as a public API.

      This is used to calculate the amount of work required when migrating or upgrading content.

      the number of CEO's with XHTML content.
    • getCountOfLatestXhtmlContent

      int getCountOfLatestXhtmlContent()

      This is for internal use only, Do not rely on it as a public API.

      This is used to calculate the amount of work required when migrating or upgrading content.

      the number of latest CEO's with XHTML content.
    • getCountOfXhtmlSpaceDescriptions

      int getCountOfXhtmlSpaceDescriptions()

      This is for internal use only, Do not rely on it as a public API.

      This is used to calculate the amount of work required when migrating or upgrading content.

      the number of SpaceDescriptions with BodyContent of type BodyType.XHTML
    • saveRawWithoutReindex

      void saveRawWithoutReindex(com.atlassian.core.bean.EntityObject objectToSave)

      This is for internal use only, Do not rely on it as a public API.

      Perform a saveRaw but without performing the re-index; it is unnecessary in the context of a migration or upgrade.