Class HtmlExportHrefEvaluator

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class HtmlExportHrefEvaluator extends Object implements HrefEvaluator
An HrefEvaluator that will generate links appropriate for HTML exported content. This means that should a link be to a page included in the export then it will become a file system link. Otherwise it will become a link to the server i.e. will include the server's baseUrl.
  • Constructor Details

    • HtmlExportHrefEvaluator

      public HtmlExportHrefEvaluator(HrefEvaluator defaultHrefEvaluator, HrefEvaluator absoluteHrefEvaluator)
  • Method Details

    • createHref

      public String createHref(ConversionContext context, Object entity, String anchor)
      Attachments and Pages may well exist in the export so look for them as a special case. All other entity types will have hrefs created using the defaultHrefEvaluator. WebLinks may be server relative - relative links will need to become absolute URLs in the export.

      Note that while comment may also exist in the export, Confluence does not have a comment link type so there is no handling for comments. If this changes in the future then we need to add additional handling here.

      Specified by:
      createHref in interface HrefEvaluator
      context - the ConversionContext providing information about the conversion being performed, including the target output type e.g. display, pdf
      entity - the object
      anchor - an option parameter specifying an anchor component for the href attribute. This may be null if there is no destination anchor.
      the attribute value appropriate for the outputType specified.
    • createHref

      public String createHref(ConversionContext context, Page page, String anchor)
    • createHref

      public String createHref(ConversionContext context, Attachment attachment, String anchor)
    • createHref

      public String createHref(ConversionContext context, WebLink link, String anchor)