Interface ContentDraftService

All Known Implementing Classes:
ContentDraftServiceImpl, LegacyContentDraftServiceImpl, SharedContentDraftServiceImpl

public interface ContentDraftService
Content draft service for creating and manipulating drafts

In shared drafts, the draftId and the contentId to create a draft will be the same. A draft is just a content with the status of draft.

In the legacy drafts, the draft may have a different id

  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • publishNewDraft

      Content publishNewDraft(Content content, Expansion... expansions)
      Publishes the draft. This will change the status of the current draft to current.
      content - new content to be created
      expansions - An array list of properties to expand on the content.
      the newly published content
      NotFoundException - if the draft doesn't exist or the user doesn't have permission to view it
      PermissionException - if the user does have permission to modify this draft
    • publishEditDraft

      Content publishEditDraft(Content content, ContentDraftService.ConflictPolicy conflictPolicy)
      Update existing page/blog post that has an existing draft
      content - page/blog post content, requires a valid content id of an existing draft
      conflictPolicy - the policy to apply on a conflict, either abort or automerge. No mergeable conflicts will still return a 409 even if policy is automerge
      the updated content
      NotFoundException - if the draft doesn't exist
      ServiceException - if the updated content is missing spacekey or type
    • deleteDraft

      void deleteDraft(ContentId contentId)
      Deletes the draft for this content. In the case of shared drafts, only drafts which have never been published can be deleted
      contentId - id of the draft to delete
      NotFoundException - if a draft doesn't exist, or the user doesn't have permission to view it
      PermissionException - if the user does not have permission to modify this draft
    • validator