Class ModuleCompleteKey


public final class ModuleCompleteKey extends Object
Represents the fully qualified key of a plugin module.

The complete key is the combination of the plugin key and the "simple" module key. For example if the plugin key is "com.acme.myplugin" and the module key is "my-foo-module", then the complete key is "com.acme.myplugin:my-foo-module".

  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • ModuleCompleteKey

      public ModuleCompleteKey(String completeKey)
      Constructs a ModuleCompleteKey given the String representation of the complete key. The String representation includes the plugin key, followed by a ':', followed by the simple module key.
      completeKey - the String representation of the complete key
    • ModuleCompleteKey

      public ModuleCompleteKey(String pluginKey, String moduleKey)
      Constructs a ModuleCompleteKey given the separate plugin key and module key.
      pluginKey - the plugin key
      moduleKey - the module key
  • Method Details

    • getModuleKey

      public String getModuleKey()
      Returns the "simple" module key. This is the second half of the "complete" key.
      the simple module key.
    • getPluginKey

      public String getPluginKey()
      Returns the plugin key. This is the first half of the "complete" key.
      the plugin key.
    • getCompleteKey

      public String getCompleteKey()
      Returns the String representation of the complete key. This includes the plugin key, followed by a ':', followed by the simple module key.
      the String representation of the complete key.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • builder