Class SetupLocaleManager

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class SetupLocaleManager
    extends Object
    implements LocaleManager
    Minimum implementation for the setup context.

    Does not allow write operations, which are supposed to be cached for the request or user, since there is no user in the setup context. Will always delegate to the getSiteDefaultLocale() even if a user is supplied.

    • Constructor Detail

      • SetupLocaleManager

        public SetupLocaleManager​(com.atlassian.config.ApplicationConfiguration applicationConfiguration)
    • Method Detail

      • setRequestLanguages

        public void setRequestLanguages​(String languageString)
        Description copied from interface: LocaleManager
        Should set the language string from the request in a THREAD LOCAL cache.
        Specified by:
        setRequestLanguages in interface LocaleManager
        languageString - comma- or semicolon-separated languages
      • setLanguage

        public void setLanguage​(String selectedLanguage)
        Description copied from interface: LocaleManager
        Should set the language string as given by Locale (en-gb for example) in a THREAD LOCAL cache. Does nothing if the language string is invalid.
        Specified by:
        setLanguage in interface LocaleManager
        selectedLanguage - target language