Interface RestEntityFactory

    • Method Detail

      • create

        default <T> RestEntity<T> create​(T entity)
        Creates a RestEntity that wraps the provided entity. All of the fields on the entity that have been annotated with JsonProperty will be available in the resultant RestEntities properties map.

        Any fields referenced by the entity that have the RestEnrichable annotation will also be converted to RestEntities.

        Fields annotated with JsonProperty that implement Iterable will have their contents converted to RestEntities if the content class has the RestEnrichable annotation. Likewise Maps will have their values converted.

        entity - The entity to wrap
        a RestEntity that wraps the entity exposing it fields in the properties map
      • create

        <T> RestEntity<T> create​(T entity,
                                 boolean graphql)
        Creates a RestEntity that wraps the provided entity. All of the fields on the entity that have been annotated with JsonProperty will be available in the resultant RestEntities properties map.

        Any fields referenced by the entity that have the RestEnrichable annotation will also be converted to RestEntities.

        Fields annotated with JsonProperty that implement Iterable will have their contents converted to RestEntities if the content class has the RestEnrichable annotation. Likewise Maps will have their values converted.

        entity - The entity to wrap
        graphql - True to include fields with the {@see GraphQLName} annotation
        a RestEntity that wraps the entity exposing it fields in the properties map