Interface VCacheRequestContextOperations

    • Method Detail

      • doInRequestContext

        <T,​X extends Throwable> T doInRequestContext​(VCacheRequestContextOperations.Action<T,​X> action)
                                                    throws X extends Throwable
        Executes the supplied action callback within a VCache RequestContext, using the system default partition identifier.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the return type of the callback
        X - the exception type thrown by the callback
        action - the callback to be executed within the request context
        the value returned by the callback
        X - the exception thrown by the callback
        IllegalArgumentException - if the partition identifier is not the same as that provided by previous calls
        X extends Throwable
      • doInRequestContext

        <T,​X extends Throwable> T doInRequestContext​(String partitionIdentifier,
                                                           VCacheRequestContextOperations.Action<T,​X> action)
                                                    throws X extends Throwable
        since 6.0. Partitions are not supported in Confluence Server
        Executes the supplied action callback within a VCache RequestContext. If no request context is bound to the current thread, then one will be set up with the supplied partition identifier. Calls to this method may be nested. Nested calls will re-use the existing context bound by the first call. Nested calls must supply the same partition identifier as the first call.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the return type of the callback
        X - the exception type thrown by the callback
        partitionIdentifier - the partition identifier that will be used to create new request context, if necessary
        action - the callback to be executed within the request context
        the value returned by the callback
        X - the exception thrown by the callback
        IllegalArgumentException - if the partition identifier is not the same as that provided by previous calls
        X extends Throwable
      • withRequestContext

        default <T> Callable<T> withRequestContext​(Callable<T> task)
        Wraps the supplied Callable in a request context
      • withRequestContext

        default Runnable withRequestContext​(Runnable task)
        Wraps the supplied Runnable in a request context