Interface ZipkinHttpClientInterceptorManager

  • @Internal
    public interface ZipkinHttpClientInterceptorManager
    Manager for obtaining the HttpClient interceptors required for handling Zipkin communications. This is a placeholder until a final abstraction is defined. It is open to be removed or changed without notice.
    • Method Detail

      • requestInterceptors

        @NonNull Iterable<org.apache.http.HttpRequestInterceptor> requestInterceptors​(String serviceName)
        Returns the HttpRequestInterceptor's for an outbound connection. The span name will be computed using the system default algorithm.
        serviceName - the name of the service being invoked
        the request interceptors
      • requestInterceptors

        @NonNull Iterable<org.apache.http.HttpRequestInterceptor> requestInterceptors​(String serviceName,
                                                                                      BiFunction<URI,​String,​String> spanNameGenerator)
        Returns the HttpRequestInterceptor's for an outbound connection, that generates the span name using the supplied function. NOTE:
        serviceName - the name of the service being invoked
        spanNameGenerator - function for generating a span name for the invocation. The function is passed the URI for the outbound connection, and the http method (i.e. GET, POST, etc)
        the request interceptors
      • responseInterceptors

        @NonNull Iterable<org.apache.http.HttpResponseInterceptor> responseInterceptors()
        Returns the HttpResponseInterceptor's for an outbound connection.
        the response interceptors