Class EstimatedProgressMeter

  • public class EstimatedProgressMeter
    extends Object
    A progress meter to be used in situations where the total cannot be determined efficiently or conveniently up front. Instead, this progress meter will take an estimate for the total and never increment the progress past 99%, unless specifically told to.
    • Constructor Detail

      • EstimatedProgressMeter

        public EstimatedProgressMeter​(int estimatedTotal)
        estimatedTotal - the estimated total
        IllegalArgumentException - if estimatedTotal is less than zero.
    • Method Detail

      • incrementCount

        public int incrementCount()
        Increases the current count or progress by one. Returns the current count after the update.
      • getPercentageComplete

        public int getPercentageComplete()
        the current percentage complete
      • complete

        public void complete()
        Sets the percent complete of this progress meter to 100%, regardless of where the progress is currently up to.
      • getCount

        public int getCount()
        the current count. It is possible for the count to exceed the estimated total.
      • getEstimatedTotal

        public int getEstimatedTotal()
        the estimated total
      • setEstimatedTotal

        public void setEstimatedTotal​(int estimatedTotal)
        Sets the estimatedTotal. This method is useful when the estimatedTotal is not available at construction time. Note: this method can only be used when the count has not been incremented.
        estimatedTotal - the estimated total
        IllegalArgumentException - if estimatedTotal is less than zero.
        IllegalStateException - if this is called after progress has started (that is, incrementCount() has been called at least once)