Class HibernateConfluenceUserDao

    • Constructor Detail

      • HibernateConfluenceUserDao

        public HibernateConfluenceUserDao​(org.hibernate.SessionFactory sessionFactory)
    • Method Detail

      • findByKey

        public @Nullable ConfluenceUser findByKey​(@Nullable com.atlassian.sal.api.user.UserKey key)
        Description copied from interface: ConfluenceUserDao
        Retrieve a ConfluenceUser by the user key.
        Specified by:
        findByKey in interface ConfluenceUserDao
        a ConfluenceUser with the supplied key
      • findByUsername

        public @Nullable ConfluenceUser findByUsername​(String username)
        Description copied from interface: ConfluenceUserDao
        Find the ConfluenceUser with the given user name.

        Note that username lookups are case-insensitive, so the user you get back may not have exactly the same name as the name passed to this method.

        Specified by:
        findByUsername in interface ConfluenceUserDao
        a ConfluenceUser with the supplied username.
      • findLowerNamesByKeys

        public Map<com.atlassian.sal.api.user.UserKey,​String> findLowerNamesByKeys​(Iterable<com.atlassian.sal.api.user.UserKey> keys)
        Description copied from interface: ConfluenceUserDao
        Bulk operation to find lowercase name corresponding to user key.
        Specified by:
        findLowerNamesByKeys in interface ConfluenceUserDao
        map of user key by lowercase name
      • isDeletedUser

        public boolean isDeletedUser​(ConfluenceUser user)
        Description copied from interface: ConfluenceUserDao
        Check whether or not a user has been deleted completely from the application. This means the user has a known mapping and no backing user and they have been remapped such that their username is equal to their user key.
        Specified by:
        isDeletedUser in interface ConfluenceUserDao
        true if the user has a known mapping, no backing user, and a username equal to their user key, false otherwise (even if the user doesn't exist)
      • isUnsyncedUser

        public boolean isUnsyncedUser​(ConfluenceUser user)
        Description copied from interface: ConfluenceUserDao
        Check whether or not a user exists in the application as unsynced. This means that the user's account might have been disconnected from one or more user directories. The user has a known mapping and no backing user, but has not been fully deleted (per the definition of ConfluenceUserDao.isDeletedUser(ConfluenceUser)). This may include users who have technically been removed through Confluence prior to 6.13.0.
        Specified by:
        isUnsyncedUser in interface ConfluenceUserDao
        true if the user hasn't been deleted but has a known mapping and no backing user, false otherwise (even if the user doesn't exist)
      • searchUnsyncedUsers

        public List<ConfluenceUser> searchUnsyncedUsers​(String searchParam)
        Description copied from interface: ConfluenceUserDao
        Search all unsynced users, whose account has been disconnected from an external directory, i.e. a user who has a known mapping but no backing user, but who has not yet been deleted from the application.
        Specified by:
        searchUnsyncedUsers in interface ConfluenceUserDao
        searchParam - the username parameter to search by
        a list of lowercase usernames
      • countUnsyncedUsers

        public int countUnsyncedUsers()
        Description copied from interface: ConfluenceUserDao
        Get a count of all unsynced users in Confluence. An unsynced user is a user that was managed in an external directory but has since been removed from the directory without being deleted in Confluence.
        Specified by:
        countUnsyncedUsers in interface ConfluenceUserDao
        the total number of all unsynced users.
      • rename

        public ConfluenceUser rename​(String oldUsername,
                                     String newUsername,
                                     boolean overrideExisting)
        Description copied from interface: ConfluenceUserDao
        Renames a user
        Specified by:
        rename in interface ConfluenceUserDao
        oldUsername - old username for the user
        newUsername - new username for the user
        overrideExisting - True if possible existing mapping should make way for the renamed one. False for opposite behaviour.
        renamed user
      • rename

        public ConfluenceUser rename​(ConfluenceUser userToRename,
                                     String newUsername,
                                     boolean overrideExisting)
        Description copied from interface: ConfluenceUserDao
        Renames a user
        Specified by:
        rename in interface ConfluenceUserDao
        userToRename - ConfluenceUser object representing user to rename
        newUsername - new username for the user
        overrideExisting - True if possible existing mapping should make way for the renamed one. False for opposite behaviour.
        renamed user
      • deactivateUser

        public void deactivateUser​(String username)
        Description copied from interface: ConfluenceUserDao
        Deactivates user. Record will stay in user_mapping table, but it will have null in lowerUsername
        Specified by:
        deactivateUser in interface ConfluenceUserDao
        username - name of the user that should be deactivated