Class SplitIndexFileHelper

  • public final class SplitIndexFileHelper
    extends Object
    Manager to help with copying files and getting statistics or reporting on sizes.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SplitIndexFileHelper

        public SplitIndexFileHelper​(@NonNull String location,
                                    @NonNull String name)
        Creates an instance of the SplitIndexFileManager to manage the files of the index located at indexLocation
        location - String location of the index.
        name - String name of the index (for logging purposes)
      • SplitIndexFileHelper

        public SplitIndexFileHelper​(@NonNull File index,
                                    @NonNull String name)
        Creates an instance of the SplitIndexFileManager to manage the files of the index located at indexLocation
        index - File location of the index.
        name - String name of the index (for logging purposes)
    • Method Detail

      • getIndex

        public File getIndex()
      • collectIndexFileInfos

        public Map<String,​FileInfo> collectIndexFileInfos()
        Gets the size of a Directory by sizing all the files. Any subfolder is a separate index so is not included
        long total Size
      • getPhase

        public SplitIndexPhase getPhase()
        Tries to read the phase file if it exists
        SplitIndexPhase or null
      • setPhase

        public void setPhase​(@NonNull SplitIndexPhase phase)
        Sets the phase in the index (writes state file)
        phase - SplitIndexPhase
      • removePhase

        public void removePhase()
        Removes the state file
      • collectIndexFileInfos

        public static Map<String,​FileInfo> collectIndexFileInfos​(@NonNull File folder)
        Gets the size of a Directory by sizing all the files. Any subfolder is a separate index so is not included
        folder - File
        long total Size
      • copyFilesToFolder

        public static void copyFilesToFolder​(@NonNull Collection<FileInfo> source,
                                             @NonNull File target)
        Copies all the files in the FileInfo list to the target folder
        source - Collection of FileInfo
        target - File target location
      • getTotalSize

        public static long getTotalSize​(@NonNull Collection<FileInfo> files)
        Sums the sizes of the files in the FileInfo list
        files - List of FileInfo
      • bytesToHumanReadable

        public static String bytesToHumanReadable​(long bytes)
        Formats bytes in a human readable form, rounds up and tries not to give too many decimals if size is above 100 E.g., 1000 becomes 1000 bytes, 1024 becomes 1 KB, 982.12 MB becomes 983 MB etc. Ends at TB.
        bytes - long size in bytes
        String human readable size
      • refreshIndexInfo

        public @NonNull IndexInfo refreshIndexInfo()
        Force refresh of the indexInfo. Will do a best effort to give information. For instance, it will find if the folder is empty. If it's not empty it will find if it's the correct version, and if it's the correct version, it will give you counts about the documents.
        IndexInfo IndexInfo
      • isLuceneIndex

        public static boolean isLuceneIndex​(@NonNull File location)
        Checks if a File is a Lucene index. This will return true for any version of the index files. Please use refreshIndexInfo
        location - File
        boolean true if the file exists and is a Lucene index
      • hasFiles

        public static boolean hasFiles​(File location)
        Checks if there are files in a directory (excludes subfolders!) so will count only real files
        location - File
        boolean true if the directory has files
      • purgeContent

        public void purgeContent()
      • purgeChanges

        public void purgeChanges()
      • createEmptyIndexIfNone

        public void createEmptyIndexIfNone()
        If there is an index, this will just open it and do nothing. If there is no index, this will create an empty one with a segment.seg and segment_1 file.
      • overrideWithEmptyIndex

        public void overrideWithEmptyIndex()
        This will create an empty index in the directory, regardless if the index existed here or not.
      • getTotalZipEntriesSize

        public static long getTotalZipEntriesSize​(File zipFile)
                                           throws IOException
        Returns the total size in bytes of the entries for given archive
        zipFile - file with zip archive
      • getTotalZipEntriesSize

        public static long getTotalZipEntriesSize​(ZipEntry[] entries)
        Returns the total size in bytes of the entries for given archive
        entries - ZipEntry[]
      • refresh

        public static org.apache.lucene.index.DirectoryReader refresh​(org.apache.lucene.index.DirectoryReader reader)
                                                               throws IOException
        Refreshes a reader so the written changes become visible.
        reader - DirectoryReader
        IOException - when something goes wrong inside lucene code.
      • purgeAllFiles

        public void purgeAllFiles()
                           throws UpgradeException
        deletes all files in the folder where this SplitIndexFileManager is pointed at. This is used when we detect an older lucene index file format. This can happen when someone upgrades confluence from a version prior to 5.2 (which was not using lucene 4.0+). In this case we empty the index folder and thus force a full reindex.