Interface Theme

    • Method Detail

      • getBodyClass

        String getBodyClass()
        Returns the class for the body element specified by the theme.
      • getStylesheets

        Collection<? extends ThemeResource> getStylesheets()
        Return the stylesheets for the theme.
        a Collection of ThemeResources representing custom stylesheets for this theme, or an empty list if none exist.
      • getJavascript

        Collection<? extends ThemeResource> getJavascript()
        Return the JavaScript resources for the theme.
        a Collection of ThemeResources representing custom JavaScript for this theme, or an empty list if none exist.
      • init

        void init​(ThemeModuleDescriptor moduleDescriptor)
        Initialise the theme details from the given theme module descriptor.
      • getPluginKey

        String getPluginKey()
        Return the key of the plugin which includes this theme. May return null if the theme doesn't come from a plugin.
      • getModuleKey

        String getModuleKey()
        Returns the module key of the theme plugin module, or null if this theme doesn't come from a plugin.
      • isDisableSitemesh

        boolean isDisableSitemesh()
        If this flag returns true, all requests for sitemesh templates w.r.t this theme will return NoDecorator, leading to a total bypassing of the sitemesh-based theme system.
        true if this theme wants to turn off sitemesh
      • getXworkVelocityPath

        String getXworkVelocityPath​(String packageName,
                                    String actionName,
                                    String result,
                                    String template)
        If this theme defines any specific overrides for Velocity XWork results, process them through here.
        packageName - the package name of the action being run
        actionName - the name of the action being run
        result - the result string of the action being run
        template - the Velocity template path the action wants to process
        the Velocity template path the action should process, with any overrides applied
      • getTopNavLocation

        String getTopNavLocation()
        since 5.0 - with the common header themes shouldn't specify their own top navigation anymore. This method is no longer called from anywhere within Confluence.
        Returns the location of the Velocity file which renders the top navigation.
      • hasSpaceSideBar

        boolean hasSpaceSideBar()
        Tells whether this theme requires rendering of the Space IA sidebar. The Space IA side bar is the one on the left, which contains a tree view of pages, a chronological view of the blogs, and so on.

        Recommended value: false for themes that don't require rendering of the Space IA sidebar, true otherwise. This value is true for the default theme starting from Confluence 5.0.

        whether this theme needs rendering of the Space IA side bar.