Class CompositeContext

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class CompositeContext
    extends Object
    implements org.apache.velocity.context.Context
    Simple immutable composite Velocity Context implementation that delegates to a collection of other contexts. The order of the contexts is significant as it checks them in iteration order. This context should be wrapped in a VelocityContext or other chained context before use.
    • Method Detail

      • containsKey

        public boolean containsKey​(Object o)
        Specified by:
        containsKey in interface org.apache.velocity.context.Context
      • get

        public Object get​(String key)
        Specified by:
        get in interface org.apache.velocity.context.Context
      • getKeys

        public Object[] getKeys()
        Union of all keys for all contexts.
        Specified by:
        getKeys in interface org.apache.velocity.context.Context
      • put

        public Object put​(String key,
                          Object value)
        Specified by:
        put in interface org.apache.velocity.context.Context
      • remove

        public Object remove​(Object key)
        Specified by:
        remove in interface org.apache.velocity.context.Context