Interface DenormalisedPermissionStateManager

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface DenormalisedPermissionStateManager
    Denormalised permission state manager is responsible to managing the service state, including starting, stopping, enabling/disabling API, maintaining list of the past events etc
    • Method Detail

      • isApiReady

        boolean isApiReady()
        Returns true if the state of the service is "READY", if both CONTENT and SPACE services are in ready state Possible reasons for returning false: 1. Service is disabled 2. Denormalized tables are not ready
        the state of the service
      • isSpaceApiReady

        boolean isSpaceApiReady()
        Returns true if the state of denormalised SPACE service is "READY", which means that denormalised space permissions reflect real permissions. Possible reasons for returning false: 1. Service is disabled 2. Denormalized tables are not ready
        the state of the SPACe service
      • isContentApiReady

        boolean isContentApiReady()
        Returns true if the state of denormalised CONTENT service is "READY", which means that denormalised content permissions reflect real permissions. Possible reasons for returning false: 1. Service is disabled 2. Denormalized tables are not ready
        the state of the SPACe service
      • getSpaceServiceState

        DenormalisedPermissionServiceState getSpaceServiceState​(boolean realTimeData)
        Get the state of denormalised space service.
        realTimeData - if true, data will be read from the DB. If false, cached data will be returned.
        the state of denormalised SPACE service
      • getContentServiceState

        DenormalisedPermissionServiceState getContentServiceState​(boolean realTimeData)
        Get the state of denormalised content service.
        realTimeData - if true, data will be read from the DB. If false, cached data will be returned.
        the state of denormalised CONTENT service
      • enableService

        void enableService()
        Enables the service. It would take some time to update denormalised data
      • disableService

        void disableService​(boolean cleanDenormalisedData)
        Disables the service and deletes all triggers/functions, so denormalised data will not be updated.
        cleanDenormalisedData - - if true, all denormalised data will be truncated
      • getSpacePermissionUpdateLag

        Long getSpacePermissionUpdateLag()
        Returns the time difference between updating regular space permissions and denormalised space permissions
        lag in ms, or null if the data record is not found (for example, the service has never been enabled)
      • getContentPermissionUpdateLag

        Long getContentPermissionUpdateLag()
        Returns the time difference between updating regular content permissions and denormalised content permissions
        lag in ms, or null if the data record is not found (for example, the service has never been enabled)
      • getStateChangeLog

        List<StateChangeInformation> getStateChangeLog​(int limit)
        Returns a list of service state change events
        limit - limit
        list or events, sorted by event date (desc)
      • scheduled

        void scheduled()