Class SearchResultRendererCacheUpdater

  • public class SearchResultRendererCacheUpdater
    extends Object
    The class listens for plugin changes and notifies the search result renderer cache of any changes made to plugins. It does NOT distinguish between events or indeed if the change made to the plugin system is even relevant for the search rendering cache. As soon as an event is fired it will notify the cache of the update and let the cache figure out what to do with the information.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SearchResultRendererCacheUpdater

        public SearchResultRendererCacheUpdater()
    • Method Detail

      • handleEvent

        public void handleEvent​( event)
      • handleEvent

        public void handleEvent​( event)
      • handleEvent

        public void handleEvent​( event)
      • setSearchResultRenderCache

        public void setSearchResultRenderCache​(SearchResultRendererCache cache)
        Setter for the cache to be notified of changes.
        cache - cache to notify.