Class DefaultSchedulerRunDetailsManager

    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultSchedulerRunDetailsManager

        public DefaultSchedulerRunDetailsManager​(InternalRunDetailsDao internalRunDetailsDao,
                                                 com.atlassian.scheduler.SchedulerService schedulerService)
    • Method Detail

      • count

        public long count​(com.atlassian.scheduler.config.JobId jobId,
                          long timeToLiveThreshold,
                          com.atlassian.scheduler.status.RunOutcome runOutcome)
        Description copied from interface: SchedulerRunDetailsManager
        Count the job's run details that are stored before a time-to-live threshold in milliseconds
        Specified by:
        count in interface SchedulerRunDetailsManager
        timeToLiveThreshold - the TTL threshold
        runOutcome - the run outcome that should be matched
        the total count of job runs that satisfies the timeToLiveThreshold
      • addRunDetails

        public com.atlassian.scheduler.status.RunDetails addRunDetails​(com.atlassian.scheduler.config.JobId jobId,
                                                                       Date startedAt,
                                                                       com.atlassian.scheduler.status.RunOutcome runOutcome,
                                                                       @Nullable String message)
        Description copied from interface: SchedulerRunDetailsManager
        Delegates the task to the underlying Scheduler Service since the ConfluenceSchedulerService bean is not accessible from the add-on
        Specified by:
        addRunDetails in interface SchedulerRunDetailsManager
        jobId - the Job ID
        startedAt - when the job is started
        runOutcome - the run outcome
        message - the message