Interface AuditService

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface AuditService
    An interface for Scheduled Job Auditing.
    • Method Detail

      • auditAction

        void auditAction​(com.atlassian.scheduler.config.JobId jobId,
                         AuditingAction action)
        Audits an action to a job such as run, enable, disable.
        jobId - the job ID
        action - the action such as run, enable, disable
      • auditCronJobScheduleChange

        void auditCronJobScheduleChange​(com.atlassian.scheduler.config.JobId jobId,
                                        String oldValue,
                                        String newValue)
        Audits a schedule change to a cron job.
        jobId - the job ID
        oldValue - the old cron
        newValue - the new cron
      • auditSimpleJobScheduleChange

        void auditSimpleJobScheduleChange​(com.atlassian.scheduler.config.JobId jobId,
                                          Long oldValue,
                                          Long newValue)
        Audits a schedule change to a simple job.
        jobId - the job ID
        oldValue - the old repeat interval
        newValue - the new repeat interval