Interface RestEntityEnrichmentManager

    • Method Detail

      • isEnrichableList

        boolean isEnrichableList​(Class listType)
        Get whether an object type can be enriched using a RestList.
      • isEnrichableEntity

        boolean isEnrichableEntity​(Class entityType)
        Get whether an object type can be enriched using a RestEntity.
      • getEnrichedPropertyTypes

        @NonNull Map<String,​Type> getEnrichedPropertyTypes​(Type type,
                                                                 boolean root)
        Get the types of the properties that may possibly be provided by the enrichers. This is used to populate the graph-ql schema.
        type - The type of the object being enriched
        A map of property names to property types
      • convertAndEnrich

        Object convertAndEnrich​(Object entity,
                                SchemaType schemaType)
        Converts the given entity into a RestEntity if the entity has the RestEnrichable annotation or is a PageResponse that contains RestEnrichable entities.
        entity - the entity to enrich
        schemaType - rest or graphql
        a converted rest entity or the entity that was given