Class BackupRestoreResource

  • public class BackupRestoreResource
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • BackupRestoreResource

        public BackupRestoreResource​(BackupRestoreService backupRestoreService)
    • Method Detail

      • createSpaceBackupJob

        public createSpaceBackupJob​(SpaceBackupSettings settings)
        Creates new space backup job and adds it to the queue.
        settings - space backup settings
        space backup job details
      • createSiteBackupJob

        public createSiteBackupJob​(SiteBackupSettings settings)
        Starts the new site backup job.
        settings - site backup settings
        site backup job details
      • createSpaceRestoreJob

        public createSpaceRestoreJob​(SpaceRestoreSettings settings)
        Creates new space restore job and adds it to the queue.
        settings - space restore settings
        space restore job details
      • createSiteRestoreJob

        public createSiteRestoreJob​(SiteRestoreSettings settings)
        Starts the new site restore job.
        settings - site restore settings
        site restore job details
      • createSpaceRestoreJobForUploadedBackupFile

        public createSpaceRestoreJobForUploadedBackupFile​( file)
                                                                             throws IOException
        Starts the new space restore job for the uploaded backup file (Zip).

        This resource expects a multipart post. The media-type multipart/form-data is defined in RFC 1867. Most client libraries have classes that make dealing with multipart posts simple. For instance, in Java the Apache HTTP Components library provides a MultiPartEntity that makes it simple to submit a multipart POST.

        In order to protect against XSRF attacks, because this method accepts multipart/form-data, it has XSRF protection on it. This means you must submit a header of X-Atlassian-Token: nocheck with the request, otherwise it will be blocked.

        The name of the multipart/form-data parameter that contains attachments must be "file"

        An example to attach the file

        curl -D- -u admin:admin -X POST -H "X-Atlassian-Token: nocheck" -F "" http://myhost/rest/api/backup-restore/restore/space/upload"

        file - backup file uploaded. Has to be a zip file.
        space restore job details
      • createSiteRestoreJobForUploadedBackupFile

        public createSiteRestoreJobForUploadedBackupFile​( file)
                                                                            throws IOException
        Starts the new site restore job for the uploaded backup file (Zip).

        This resource expects a multipart post. The media-type multipart/form-data is defined in RFC 1867. Most client libraries have classes that make dealing with multipart posts simple. For instance, in Java the Apache HTTP Components library provides a MultiPartEntity that makes it simple to submit a multipart POST.

        In order to protect against XSRF attacks, because this method accepts multipart/form-data, it has XSRF protection on it. This means you must submit a header of X-Atlassian-Token: nocheck with the request, otherwise it will be blocked.

        The name of the multipart/form-data parameter that contains attachments must be "file"

        An example to attach the file

        curl -D- -u admin:admin -X POST -H "X-Atlassian-Token: nocheck" -F "" http://myhost/rest/api/backup-restore/restore/site/upload"

        file - backup file uploaded. Has to be a zip file.
        site restore job details
      • getJob

        public getJob​(Long jobId)
        Get job by id. The user must be a sysadmin or the owner of the job
        jobId - id of the backup/restore job
        job details
      • findJobs

        public findJobs​(Integer limit,
                                                  String fromDate,
                                                  String toDate,
                                                  JobScope jobScope,
                                                  JobOperation jobOperation,
                                                  List<JobState> jobStates,
                                                  String spaceKey,
                                                  String owner)
        Returns jobs based on the filters provided.
        limit - amount of jobs that should be returned
        fromDate - minimum job creation date. Supported date format is `yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ`
        toDate - maximum job create date. Supported date format is `yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ`
        jobScope - scope of the job. Acceptable values: "SPACE" and "SITE"
        jobOperation - job operation. Acceptable values: "BACKUP" and "RESTORE"
        jobStates - list of job states. Acceptable values: "QUEUED", "PROCESSING", "FINISHED", "CANCELLING", "CANCELLED", "FAILED"
        owner - userName of user who had created a job
        List of backup/restore jobs visible to user based on the filter provided and the user's permissions.
      • getFiles

        public getFiles​(JobScope jobScope)
        returns list of information on files in conf-home/restore/(jobScope)
        jobScope - name of type of restore job (SITE or SPACE or null), if null, all backup files are listed
        List of FileInfo objects, containing fileName, fileCreationTime, fileSize, and jobScope
      • cancelJob

        public cancelJob​(Long jobId)
        Cancels the job. If the job is already cancelled or failed, the method will do nothing.
        jobId - id of the backup/restore job
        details of cancelled job
      • downloadBackupFile

        public downloadBackupFile​(Long jobId)
        Downloads the backup file for the given job. Requires site admin or space export permissions for all spaces included in the backup job.
        jobId - id of the backup/restore job
        Complete data stream of the file contents
      • cancelAllQueuedJobs

        public cancelAllQueuedJobs()
        Cancels all queued jobs. Does not affect jobs that are being processed at the moment.
        number of cancelled jobs.