Class RestListLinkEnricher

    • Method Detail

      • isRecursive

        public boolean isRecursive()
        Description copied from interface: RestObjectEnricher
        Get whether the enricher applies to the root object only, or recursively to all objects in the tree.
        Specified by:
        isRecursive in interface RestObjectEnricher
      • getEnrichedPropertyTypes

        public @NonNull Map<String,​Type> getEnrichedPropertyTypes​(@NonNull Type type)
        Description copied from interface: RestObjectEnricher
        Get the types of the properties that may possibly be provided by this enricher. This is used to populate the graph-ql schema.
        Specified by:
        getEnrichedPropertyTypes in interface RestObjectEnricher
        type - The type of the object being enriched
        A map of property names to property types