Interface EdgeIndexManager

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface EdgeIndexManager
    Responsible for indexing edges.
    • Method Detail

      • index

        void index​(Edge edge)
        Indexes an edge.
      • unIndex

        void unIndex​(Edge edge)
        Unindexes an edge.
      • reIndexPermissions

        void reIndexPermissions​(Object target)
        Updates the index to reflect any changes to permissions in the specified target object.
      • contentEntityRemoved

        void contentEntityRemoved​(ContentEntityObject contentEntity)
        Update the index to reflect the deletion of the specified content entity.
      • contentEntityVersionRemoved

        void contentEntityVersionRemoved​(ContentEntityObject contentEntity)
        Update the index to reflect the deletion of the specified content entity version.
      • reindex

        void reindex​(Date startDate)
        Performs a reindex