Interface BlogPostDao

    • Method Detail

      • getById

        BlogPost getById​(long id)
        Get a blog post by id. Will return null if the post does not exist
      • getBlogPostByTitle

        BlogPost getBlogPostByTitle​(String spaceKey,
                                    String title)
        Get a blog post by name. If there is no blog post by that name, or if the name is ambiguous (there are multiple blog posts by that name on different dates), the method will return null
        spaceKey - the space
        title - the title
        the blog post in that key with that title, or null if there is no such post, or the title does not unambiguously refer to a single blog entry.
      • getBlogPostsInTrash

        List<BlogPost> getBlogPostsInTrash​(String spaceKey,
                                           String title)
        Gets a blog post that is in the trash for a given space that matches the given title.
        spaceKey - The space key (case-insensitive) in which to look for the blog
        title - The title (case-insensitive) of the blog to look for
        a list of blog posts in the trash that have the given title and space key.
      • getBlogPost

        @Nullable BlogPost getBlogPost​(@NonNull Space space,
                                       @NonNull String title,
                                       @NonNull Calendar day,
                                       boolean eagerLoadComments)
        Get the blog post by name and date. If there is no blog post by that name on that date, the method will return null
        space - the space to look for the post in
        title - the title of the post we are looking for
        day - the DAY the post was created on. Any part of the calendar more specific than a day will be ignored
      • getBlogPosts

        List<BlogPost> getBlogPosts​(@NonNull Space space,
                                    @NonNull Calendar date,
                                    int period)
        Get the blog posts in a space for a particular period.

        TODO: add Calendar.WEEK range support.

        space - the space to look for posts in
        date - a calendar object representing the date range we are looking for. Any part of the calendar more specific than the supplied period will be ignored.
        period - one of the Calendar constants specifying the granularity of the search. currently, only Calendar.MONTH and Calendar.DATE are supported
        a list of blog posts in that time-range. The list may be empty but will never be null
      • getBlogPosts

        List<BlogPost> getBlogPosts​(Space space,
                                    boolean currentOnly)
        Return an iterator for the specified space. This is an efficient alternative to space.getBlogPosts
      • getCurrentBlogPostIds

        List<Long> getCurrentBlogPostIds()
        Return a list of ids for all current blog posts.
      • getBlogPostDates

        List<Date> getBlogPostDates​(@NonNull Space space)
        Returns a list of creation dates for all the blog posts in a space.
      • getBlogPostDates

        List<Date> getBlogPostDates​(String spaceKey,
                                    Calendar date,
                                    int period)
        Returns a list of creation dates for all the blog posts in a space for a particular period.
        spaceKey - the space to look for posts in.
        date - a calendar object representing the date range we are looking for. Any part of the calendar more specific than the supplied period will be ignored.
        period - one of the Calendar constants specifying the granularity of the search. currently, only Calendar.YEAR, Calendar.MONTH and Calendar.DATE are supported
        a list creation dates for the blog posts created in the time-range. The list may be empty but will never be null
      • getRecentlyAddedBlogPosts

        List<BlogPost> getRecentlyAddedBlogPosts​(int maxCount,
                                                 @Nullable String spaceKey)
        Get list of recently created blog posts.
        maxCount - Maximum number of posts to return
        spaceKey - the spaceKey to look for the posts in. If this key is null, we look acrosns all spaces
        a list of the most recently added blog posts. The list can be empty but will never be null.
      • getFirstPostBefore

        BlogPost getFirstPostBefore​(String spaceKey,
                                    Date creationDate)
        Used for finding the "previous" post to an existing post
        spaceKey - the space to look in
        creationDate - the date the post must be before
        the first post created before that date, or null if there are none.
      • getFirstPostAfter

        BlogPost getFirstPostAfter​(String spaceKey,
                                   Date creationDate)
        Used for finding the "previous" post to an existing post
        spaceKey - the space to look in
        creationDate - the date the post must be after
        the first post created after that date, or null if there are none
      • getFirstPostBefore

        BlogPost getFirstPostBefore​(BlogPost post)
        Used for finding the "previous" post to an existing post. If you are comparing blog posts, you should always prefer this over the method that takes a date, because this method will avoid date comparison bugs that can sneak in with certain databases. (*cough* Oracle)
        post - the blog post that this must preceed
        the first post created before the given blog post, or null if there are none.
      • getFirstPostAfter

        BlogPost getFirstPostAfter​(BlogPost post)
        Used for finding the "previous" post to an existing post. If you are comparing blog posts, you should always prefer this over the method that takes a date, because this method will avoid date comparison bugs that can sneak in with certain databases. (*cough* Oracle)
        post - the blog post that this must be after
        the first post created after the given blog post, or null if there are none.
      • getRecentlyAddedBlogPosts

        List<BlogPost> getRecentlyAddedBlogPosts​(int maxPosts,
                                                 Date timeSince,
                                                 String spaceKey)
      • getMostRecentBlogPost

        BlogPost getMostRecentBlogPost​(String spaceKey)
      • getBlogPosts

        List<BlogPost> getBlogPosts​(@NonNull Space space,
                                    @NonNull Calendar postingDate,
                                    int period,
                                    int startIndex,
                                    int maxResultCount)
        Get list of blogPost by Date.
        space - the space to look for posts in
        postingDate - a calendar object representing the date range we are looking for. Any part of the calendar more specific than the supplied period will be ignored.
        period - one of the Calendar constants specifying the granularity of the search. currently, only Calendar.MONTH and Calendar.DATE are supported
        startIndex - start number of posts
        maxResultCount - Maximum number of posts to return
        a list of blogPost
      • getBlogPostCount

        long getBlogPostCount​(String spaceKey,
                              Calendar postingDate,
                              int period)
        Get total number of blogPost.
        spaceKey - the space to look for posts in
        postingDate - a calendar object representing the date range we are looking for. Any part of the calendar more specific than the supplied period will be ignored.
        period - one of the Calendar constants specifying the granularity of the search. currently, only Calendar.MONTH and Calendar.DATE are supported
        a count number of blogPosts
      • getBlogPostCount

        int getBlogPostCount()
        Counts the total number of blog posts, for all spaces and posting dates.
        the number of blog posts
      • countCurrentBlogs

        int countCurrentBlogs()
        Counts the total number of current blog posts across all spaces
        the number of current blog posts
      • countDraftBlogs

        int countDraftBlogs()
        Counts the number of blog posts that are drafts. This does not include drafts of blog posts that have already been published (i.e. blog posts with unpublished changes).
        the number of draft blog posts
      • countBlogsWithUnpublishedChanges

        int countBlogsWithUnpublishedChanges()
        Counts the number of published blog posts that have unpublished changes.
        the number of blog posts with unpublished changes.
      • getCommentCountOnBlog

        int getCommentCountOnBlog​(long id)
        Get count of comments on a blogpost.
        id - id of the blogpost
        the number of comments on the blogpost
      • getBlogPostStatistics

        Optional<BlogPostStatisticsDTO> getBlogPostStatistics()
        Fetches statistics about blog posts
        a BlogPostStatisticsDTO with statistics about blogs such as total, current, and draft count