Class ViewPageAction

    • Constructor Detail

      • ViewPageAction

        public ViewPageAction()
    • Method Detail

      • getComment

        public Comment getComment()
        Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
        since 8.8.0. Hibernate objects are not supported in Struts anymore. Use action's direct method calls.
        Gets the currently focused comment. Might be the comment from a permalink, a comment being replied to, or a comment being edited. Returns null if no comment is active.
        Specified by:
        getComment in interface CommentAware
        the comment which is focused
      • getCommentId

        public long getCommentId()
      • setComment

        public void setComment​(Comment comment)
        Sets the currently focused comment. Might be the comment from a permalink, a comment being replied to, or a comment being edited. Set to null if no comment is active.

        Used by the CommentAwareInterceptor.

        Specified by:
        setComment in interface CommentAware
        comment - the comment which is to be focused
      • getParentPage

        public Page getParentPage()
        Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
        since 8.8.0. Hibernate objects are not supported in Struts anymore. Use action's direct method calls.
        Returns the parent Page of the current Page or null if the current AbstractPage is a root page or a blogpost.
      • getExternalReferences

        public List getExternalReferences()
      • isPageRequired

        public boolean isPageRequired()
        Description copied from interface: PageAware
        If the action requires that the page be set before being run, then it should return true to this method. If the action requires a page, but no page is available, then the interceptor will automatically redirect to the 'pagenotfound' result
        Specified by:
        isPageRequired in interface PageAware
        isPageRequired in class AbstractPageAwareAction
        true if the action requires a page in order to execute
      • isLatestVersionRequired

        public boolean isLatestVersionRequired()
        Description copied from interface: PageAware
        If the action can only work on the most recent version of a page, this will cause the interceptor to silently replace the version that it looks up with the most recent version, if necessary.
        Specified by:
        isLatestVersionRequired in interface PageAware
        isLatestVersionRequired in class AbstractPageAwareAction
        true if the action requires the most recent version of a page
      • getEditingUser

        public String getEditingUser()
      • execute

        public String execute()
                       throws Exception
        Specified by:
        execute in interface com.opensymphony.xwork2.Action
        execute in class com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport
      • pageIsLatestVersionAndDoesNotHaveSpace

        protected boolean pageIsLatestVersionAndDoesNotHaveSpace()
      • getEventToPublish

        public ConfluenceEvent getEventToPublish​(String result)
        Description copied from interface: Evented
        Gets the event to publish.
        Specified by:
        getEventToPublish in interface Evented<ConfluenceEvent>
        result - the result of the action executing.
        the event. Can be null, in which case no event will be published.
      • getPageXHtmlContent

        public String getPageXHtmlContent()
      • getChildrenShowing

        public Boolean getChildrenShowing()
      • setShowChildren

        public void setShowChildren​(Boolean showChildren)
      • setNotificationManager

        public void setNotificationManager​(NotificationManager notificationManager)
      • isThreadComments

        public boolean isThreadComments()
      • isUserWatchingPage

        public boolean isUserWatchingPage()
        Returns true if the user is watching the current page. Returns false otherwise, or if the user is anonymous.
      • isUserWatchingSpace

        public boolean isUserWatchingSpace()
        Returns true if the user is watching the page/blog's space for the respective ContentType. For example, if getPage returns a BlogPost and the user is only watching Pages in the Space, this method returns false.
      • getDateString

        public String getDateString​(Date date)
      • renderExternalLink

        public String renderExternalLink​(com.atlassian.renderer.links.Link link)
      • getReplyToComment

        public long getReplyToComment()
      • setReplyToComment

        public void setReplyToComment​(long replyToComment)
      • getFirstPostInNextMonth

        public BlogPost getFirstPostInNextMonth​(Calendar postingDate)
        Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
        since 8.8.0. Hibernate objects are not supported in Struts anymore. Use action's direct method calls.
        Returns the first post in the month after the current postingDay

        This method is a duplication of the method in AbstractBlogPostsAction - they really shouldn't be here.

        BlogPost for the first post in the next month, null otherwise
        See Also:
      • getLastPostInPreviousMonth

        public BlogPost getLastPostInPreviousMonth​(Calendar postingDate)
        Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
        since 8.8.0. Hibernate objects are not supported in Struts anymore. Use action's direct method calls.
        Returns the last post in the month before the current postingDay

        This method is a duplication of the method in AbstractBlogPostsAction - they really shouldn't be here.

        BlogPost for the last post in the previous month, null otherwise
        See Also:
      • getPageIdOfVersionBefore

        public long getPageIdOfVersionBefore​(AbstractPage page)
      • getPageIdOfVersionAfter

        public long getPageIdOfVersionAfter​(AbstractPage page)
      • hasPreviousVersion

        public boolean hasPreviousVersion​(AbstractPage page)
      • hasNextVersion

        public boolean hasNextVersion​(AbstractPage page)
      • isShowCommentArea

        public boolean isShowCommentArea()
      • setShowCommentArea

        public void setShowCommentArea​(boolean showCommentArea)
      • isEditComment

        public boolean isEditComment()
      • setEditComment

        public void setEditComment​(boolean editComment)
      • isNavigatingVersions

        public boolean isNavigatingVersions()
      • setNavigatingVersions

        public void setNavigatingVersions​(boolean navigatingVersions)
      • setCommentManager

        public void setCommentManager​(CommentManager commentManager)
      • getCommentAsXHtmlForWysiwyg

        public String getCommentAsXHtmlForWysiwyg()
      • setCaptchaManager

        public void setCaptchaManager​(CaptchaManager captchaManager)
      • getViewInheritedContentPermissionSets

        public List getViewInheritedContentPermissionSets()
      • hasAnyPermissions

        public boolean hasAnyPermissions()
        checks if the page has any direct contentpermissions or inherited ones
      • setEditRenderer

        public void setEditRenderer​(Renderer editRenderer)
      • setXhtmlContent

        public void setXhtmlContent​(XhtmlContent xhtmlContent)
      • setThemeManager

        public void setThemeManager​(ThemeManager themeManager)
      • isChildrenNotShown

        public boolean isChildrenNotShown()
        Used to hide the page children if we are using the left sidebar. It's necessary to do it like this because a theme may not override page.vmd.
        true if children are not shown, and false if it's the opposite.
      • setCollaborativeEditingHelper

        public void setCollaborativeEditingHelper​(CollaborativeEditingHelper collaborativeEditingHelper)