Class EditCommentAction

    • Constructor Detail

      • EditCommentAction

        public EditCommentAction()
    • Method Detail

      • validate

        public void validate()
        Description copied from class: AbstractPreviewPageAction
        Convert the editor content to storageFormat, catching and reporting any problems in the process. On successful validation, the storageFormat field will be populated with a storage format representation of the editor content, ready for saving.
        Specified by:
        validate in interface MessageHolderAware
        Specified by:
        validate in interface com.opensymphony.xwork2.Validateable
        validate in class AbstractPreviewPageAction
      • getComment

        public Comment getComment()
        Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
        since 8.8.0. Hibernate objects are not supported in Struts anymore. Use action's direct method calls.
      • getEditCommentId

        public long getEditCommentId()
      • getWysiwygContent

        public String getWysiwygContent()
        Override since the base implementation will return the content of a page, instead of the comment.
        getWysiwygContent in class AbstractPreviewPageAction
        the editor formatted content for the CEO being edited.
      • getCommentId

        public long getCommentId()
      • setCommentId

        public void setCommentId​(long commentId)
      • setCommentService

        public void setCommentService​(CommentService commentService)
      • setNotificationManager

        public void setNotificationManager​(NotificationManager notificationManager)
      • setWatchPageAfterComment

        public void setWatchPageAfterComment​(boolean watchPageAfterComment)
      • setCaptchaManager

        public void setCaptchaManager​(CaptchaManager captchaManager)