Interface DraftManager

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface DraftManager
    Saves, retrieves and merges drafts of Confluence content. Currently supports drafts for blog posts and pages.
    • Method Detail

      • saveDraft

        void saveDraft​(Draft draft)
        Saves the provided draft to the data store. Anonymous drafts will be persisted to the web session.

        The draft must have a page ID of "0" for drafts of new content, or the ID of an existing page or blog post.

        IllegalArgumentException - if the provided draft is null, has a null page ID, or no content with the draft's page ID can be found.
      • findDraft

        Draft findDraft​(Long pageId,
                        String owner,
                        String type,
                        String spaceKey)
        Finds the draft with the given page ID, owner and type. Returns null if a matching draft cannot be found.
        pageId - the ID of the content which the draft is for
        owner - the user name of the user who created the draft
        type - the type of draft, which is usually the result of calling ContentEntityObject.getType()
        spaceKey - Space that the draft lives in.
        the matching draft or null if a draft cannot be found
      • countDrafts

        int countDrafts​(String owner)
        owner -
        A count of drafts with content for the given owner
      • getDraft

        Draft getDraft​(long draftId)
        Finds the draft given a specific draft id. Returns null if no draft is found.
        the matching draft or null if a draft cannot be found
      • removeDraft

        void removeDraft​(Draft draft)
        Removes the draft specified. Does nothing if the draft cannot be found.
      • findDraftsForUser

        List<Draft> findDraftsForUser​(com.atlassian.user.User user)
        Returns the drafts for the user provided or an empty list if the user has no drafts.
      • isMergeRequired

        boolean isMergeRequired​(Draft draft)
        Returns true if the draft version of a page is different to the current version of a page, otherwise false.

        Always returns false for new content.

      • mergeContent

        MergeResult mergeContent​(Draft draft)
        Attempts the merge the changes done by this draft with the latest version of the content. Returns the result of the merge.
        draft - the draft whose changes to merge with the latest version of the content
        the result of the merge.
      • getOrCreate

        Draft getOrCreate​(String username,
                          String draftType,
                          String spaceKey)
        since 5.7. No replacement.
        Gets a new draft object. If such a draft does not exist one is created.
        username - name of user or null for anonymous users
        draftType - the content type of the draft, e.g. Page.CONTENT_TYPE
        spaceKey - the space key of the content
        the existing draft for the given content and user, or a new draft object if that does not exist.
      • removeAllDrafts

        void removeAllDrafts()
        Removes all drafts stored in the database
      • removeDraftsForUser

        void removeDraftsForUser​(String username)
        Removes all drafts in the data store associated with the specified user.
      • create

        Draft create​(String username,
                     DraftService.DraftType draftType,
                     String spaceKey)
        Creates a new persistent draft of the specified draft type in the space for the user.
        username - - the owner of the draft, may be null for anonymous
        draftType - - the type of draft, (either blogpost or page)
        spaceKey - - the space in which to create the draft
        a newly created persistent draft
      • create

        default Draft create​(String username,
                             DraftService.DraftType draftType,
                             String spaceKey,
                             long parentPageId)
        Creates a new persistent draft of the specified draft type in the space for the user.
        username - - the owner of the draft, may be null for anonymous
        draftType - - the type of draft, (either blogpost or page)
        spaceKey - - the space in which to create the draft
        parentPageId - - the parentPageId of a page
        a newly created persistent draft