Interface InboundMailServer

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    ConfluenceImapMailServer, ConfluencePopMailServer

    public interface InboundMailServer
    extends com.atlassian.mail.server.MailServer
    Defines the contract for an inbound mail server.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Default Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      @Nullable Authorization getAuthorization()
      Returns the currently registered Authorization if ones configured, otherwise null.
      String getToAddress()
      Gets the Address which will be monitored for inbound email.
      default boolean isBasicAuth()
      Returns whether this MailServer is configured to use BasicAuth or not.
      void setAuthorization​(@Nullable Authorization authorization)
      Register an Authorization to use when retrieving email from this MailServer
      void setToAddress​(String toAddress)
      Sets the Address which will be monitored for inbound email.
      • Methods inherited from interface com.atlassian.mail.server.MailServer

        getDebug, getDescription, getHostname, getId, getMailProtocol, getName, getPassword, getPort, getProperties, getSession, getSocksHost, getSocksPort, getTimeout, getType, getUsername, isTlsHostnameCheckRequired, setDebug, setDebugStream, setDescription, setHostname, setId, setLogger, setMailProtocol, setName, setPassword, setPort, setProperties, setSocksHost, setSocksPort, setTimeout, setTlsHostnameCheckRequired, setUsername
    • Method Detail

      • getToAddress

        String getToAddress()
        Gets the Address which will be monitored for inbound email.
        email address
      • setToAddress

        void setToAddress​(String toAddress)
        Sets the Address which will be monitored for inbound email.
        toAddress -
      • setAuthorization

        void setAuthorization​(@Nullable Authorization authorization)
        Register an Authorization to use when retrieving email from this MailServer
        authorization - An Authorization methodology e.g. OAuth 2.0
      • isBasicAuth

        default boolean isBasicAuth()
        Returns whether this MailServer is configured to use BasicAuth or not.
        see description