Class DefaultMacroMigrationManager

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class DefaultMacroMigrationManager
    extends Object
    implements MacroMigrationManager

    Listens for plugin events and registers / unregisters the macro migration tasks with itself.

    The migration tasks are wrapped in a LazyReference in order to only instantiate them upon first usage.

    This MacroMigrationManager uses a white list of macro names that may be migrated. The default set of names is supplied on construction and additional names are read as comma separated values from the System property "confluence.macro.migration.white.list".

    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultMacroMigrationManager

        public DefaultMacroMigrationManager​(MacroMigration richTextMacroMigration,
                                            MacroMigration plainTextMacroMigration,
                                            MacroMigration v2MacroToUnmigratedWikiMarkupMacroMigration,
                                            MacroManager xhtmlOnlyMacroManager,
                                            MacroManager v2CompatibileMacroManager,
                                            MacroManager v2MacroManager,
                                            Set<String> whitelistedNames)
        Sets the macro manager and the migration tasks for the rich text and plain text migrations.
    • Method Detail

      • pluginModuleEnabled

        public void pluginModuleEnabled​( event)
      • pluginModuleDisabled

        public void pluginModuleDisabled​( event)
      • setPluginEventManager

        public void setPluginEventManager​(com.atlassian.plugin.event.PluginEventManager pluginEventManager)