Class XmlRpcContentClient

  • public class XmlRpcContentClient
    extends Object
    Makes XML-RPC calls for Confluence Content.
    • Constructor Detail

      • XmlRpcContentClient

        public XmlRpcContentClient​(ConfluenceRpc rpc)
    • Method Detail

      • createPage

        public long createPage​(Page page)
      • getExistingPage

        public Page getExistingPage​(Space space,
                                    String pageTitle)
        Retrieve the fully populated Page object for a page, known to exist in confluence.
      • getExistingPage

        public Page getExistingPage​(long pageId)
        Retrieve the Page object for a page, known to exist in confluence.
        a Page but with no Space information included.
      • getBlogPost

        public BlogPost getBlogPost​(long pageId)
      • createBlogPost

        public long createBlogPost​(BlogPost blogPost)
      • saveBlogPost

        public long saveBlogPost​(BlogPost blogPost)
      • removePage

        public boolean removePage​(Page page)
      • removePage

        public boolean removePage​(long pageId)
      • removeComment

        public void removeComment​(Comment comment)
      • removeComment

        public void removeComment​(long commentId)
      • createComment

        public long createComment​(Comment comment)
      • createComment

        public long createComment​(Comment comment,
                                  long parentCommentId)
      • saveComment

        public long saveComment​(Comment comment)
      • savePage

        public long savePage​(Page page)
      • getPageContent

        public String getPageContent​(long id)
      • getChildren

        public List<Page> getChildren​(long parentPageId)
        the children of the specified parent page, in order.
      • createAttachment

        public long createAttachment​(Attachment attachment)
      • createAttachment

        public long createAttachment​(long contentId,
                                     Attachment attachment)
      • purgeFromTrash

        public void purgeFromTrash​(Space space,
                                   long pageId)