Class EventWaitingLatch

  • public class EventWaitingLatch
    extends Object
    Latch that allows acceptance testing code to wait for a specific Confluence event to be published on the server side before proceeding with assertions.

    This is useful when assertions need to be made on the output of a long running process on the server that clearly indicates its completion using an event.


     EventWaitingLatch latch = new EventWaitingLatch(MyEvent.class, 60000, rpc);
     ... insert code that invokes long running process on server side ...
     ... insert test assertions ...

    It is important that the latch is instantiated before the start of the long running process. If constructed after, there is a small chance that the event being listened for is fired before latch is ready to receive it.

    • Constructor Detail

      • EventWaitingLatch

        public EventWaitingLatch​(@NonNull String eventClassName,
                                 long timeoutMs,
                                 @NonNull ConfluenceRpc rpc)
    • Method Detail

      • waitForEvent

        public boolean waitForEvent()
        Blocks until event is received. Returns true if this happens within the timeout, false otherwise.
        true if the event is received within the timeout, false otherwise.
      • clearAllLatches

        public static void clearAllLatches​(ConfluenceRpc rpc)
        It's advisable to clear all latches in a tearDown if multiple latches will be active concurrently.
      • registerListener

        public void registerListener()
      • unregisterListener

        public void unregisterListener()