Class LocalMavenDependency

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class LocalMavenDependency
    extends Object
    implements MavenDependency
    Please use confluence-test-utils module instead. See {com.atlassian.confluence.test.plugin.maven.LocalMavenDependency} alternative
    Represents a Maven dependency found in the local repository.

    To determine the location of the local repository, it first checks the 'localRepository' system property, then looks at your ~/.m2/settings.xml to see if a localRepository is set. If not, it defaults to ~/.m2/repository.

    • Constructor Detail

      • LocalMavenDependency

        public LocalMavenDependency​(String groupId,
                                    String artifactId,
                                    String version,
                                    String packaging)
    • Method Detail

      • getFile

        public File getFile()
        Returns a file representing the dependency in the local repository, using the conventions of a Maven 2 repository. The file that is returned may or may not exist.
        Specified by:
        getFile in interface MavenDependency