Class CustomContentTestPluginInstaller

  • public class CustomContentTestPluginInstaller
    extends Object
    Used for installing a plugin with a custom content type registered.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CustomContentTestPluginInstaller

        public CustomContentTestPluginInstaller​(ConfluenceRpc rpc)
    • Method Detail

      • install

        public UploadablePlugin install​(List<Class> additionalPluginClasses,
                                        String pluginKey,
                                        String pluginXml)
                                 throws IOException
        Used for installing a plugin with the test custom content type and any additional plugin classes.

        The plugin xml must declare the custom content type as a plugin module.

        Custom content type classes will be automatically registered

        additionalPluginClasses - - additional plugin classes to include in the plugin jar
        pluginKey - - the plugin key
        pluginXml - - the atlassian-plugin.xml defining the modules to be registered
        an UploadablePlugin representing the installed plugin
      • uninstall

        public void uninstall()