Class SimpleSenInformation

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class SimpleSenInformation
    extends Object
    implements SenInformation
    Simple Sen information class, constructed with a string that should be either the real sen, "MISSING" or null.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SimpleSenInformation

        public SimpleSenInformation​(String senProperty)
    • Method Detail

      • isUnknown

        public boolean isUnknown()
        Description copied from interface: SenInformation
        Returns true if SEN information about this license is known. Returning false means the the license may or may not have a SEN, but it isn't recorded in the test-system.
        Specified by:
        isUnknown in interface SenInformation
      • isMissing

        public boolean isMissing()
        Description copied from interface: SenInformation
        Returns true if the license is known to have no SEN.
        Specified by:
        isMissing in interface SenInformation
      • getSen

        public String getSen()
        Description copied from interface: SenInformation
        Retrieves the SEN if known and present, null if not known or missing.
        Specified by:
        getSen in interface SenInformation