Class Content2ContentHibernateRelationDao

    • Constructor Detail

      • Content2ContentHibernateRelationDao

        public Content2ContentHibernateRelationDao​(org.hibernate.SessionFactory sessionFactory,
                                                   SchemaInformationService schemaInformationService)
    • Method Detail

      • getRelationsCount

        public int getRelationsCount​(ContentEntityObject source,
                                     ContentEntityObject target,
                                     RelationDescriptor<?,​?> relationDescriptor)
        Description copied from interface: RelationDao
        Get total number of relations for given content, type and name.
        relationDescriptor - specifies relation metadata, such as type and name
        total number of relations for given entities, relation type and name.
        See Also:
      • getSourcesCount

        public int getSourcesCount​(RelationQuery<ContentEntityObject> request)
        Description copied from interface: RelationDao
        Count of all related sources for the entity. Fetching parameters (relation name, filtering etc.) is provided by request argument
        total number of all sources
      • getTargetsCount

        public int getTargetsCount​(RelationQuery<ContentEntityObject> request)
        Description copied from interface: RelationDao
        Count of all related targets for the entity. Fetching parameters (relation name, filtering etc.) is provided by request argument
        total number of all targets
      • removeAllRelations

        public int removeAllRelations​(RelatableEntity relatableEntity)
        Description copied from interface: RelationDao
        This method removes all relations (across all names and types), where given entity participates.
        number of relations which were removed.
      • removeAllRelations

        public int removeAllRelations​(Iterable<? extends RelatableEntity> relatableEntities)
        Description copied from interface: RelationDao
        This method removes all relations (across all names and types), where given entity participates.
        number of relations which were removed.
      • removeAllRelationsFromEntityWithName

        public int removeAllRelationsFromEntityWithName​(String relationName,
                                                        RelatableEntity relatableEntity)
        Description copied from interface: RelationDao
        This method remove all relations with the given name, where the given entity participates
        number of relations which were removed
      • removeAllRelationsFromCurrentAndHistoricalEntities

        public int removeAllRelationsFromCurrentAndHistoricalEntities​(RelatableEntity relatableEntity)
        Description copied from interface: RelationDao
        This method removes all relations (across all names and types), where given entity participates. It also removes all relations from the historical versions of the given entity if the entity is the most current version of content
        number of relations which were removed.
      • removeAllRelationsFromCurrentAndHistoricalEntities

        public int removeAllRelationsFromCurrentAndHistoricalEntities​(Iterable<? extends RelatableEntity> relatableEntities)
        Description copied from interface: RelationDao
        This method removes all relations (across all names and types), where given entity participates. It also removes all relations from the historical versions of the given entity if the entity is the most current version of content
        number of relations which were removed
      • getAllRelationIdsForContentInSpace

        public List<Long> getAllRelationIdsForContentInSpace​(@NonNull String spaceKey,
                                                             @NonNull Collection<ConfluenceEntityObject> exclusions,
                                                             int start,
                                                             int limit)
        This method returns ids of all content relation entities in space. It is used in export operations
        spaceKey - space
        exclusions - list of exclusions
        start - start
        limit - limit
        list of all content relation entities in space