Class DefaultLoginManager

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class DefaultLoginManager
    extends Object
    implements LoginManager
    Default LoginManager that keeps track of login activity.

    For known users the number of failed login attempts is stored in a user bound PropertySet.

    For unknown users the DefaultLoginManager tracks the number of login attempts in a cache. It is important to track the number of login attempts for unknown users otherwise the observable behaviour of the application might be different for known and unknown users (See JRA-21016).

    Every successful login clears the number of failed login attempts for a known user.

    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • onFailedLoginAttempt

        public void onFailedLoginAttempt​(String userName,
                                         javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest servletRequest)
        This method uses a new transaction propagation because the failed login attempt should be persisted regardless of whether the transaction that it is a part of is committed or rolled back.
        Specified by:
        onFailedLoginAttempt in interface LoginManager
        userName - the name of the user in play. This MUST not be null.
        servletRequest - the request pertaining to a login attempt.
      • onSuccessfulLoginAttempt

        public void onSuccessfulLoginAttempt​(String userName,
                                             javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest servletRequest)
        Description copied from interface: LoginManager
        This is called after a successful login attempt has been made. It allows the LoginManager to update information about a users login history.
        Specified by:
        onSuccessfulLoginAttempt in interface LoginManager
        userName - the name of the user in play. This MUST not be null.
        servletRequest - the request pertaining to a login attempt.
      • isElevatedSecurityCheckEnabled

        public boolean isElevatedSecurityCheckEnabled()
        Description copied from interface: LoginManager
        Check if elevated security checks are available/enabled.
        Specified by:
        isElevatedSecurityCheckEnabled in interface LoginManager
        true if elevated security checks are enabled, false otherwise
      • authenticate

        public LoginResult authenticate​(String userName,
                                        String password)
        Description copied from interface: LoginManager
        Try to authenticate a user given the userName and password.

        Returns a LoginResult that contains information about this particular authentication attempt.

        Calling this method has side effects as the login manager tracks the number of failed and successful login attempts.

        Specified by:
        authenticate in interface LoginManager
        The result of the authentication attempt, this will never be null.
      • requiresElevatedSecurityCheck

        public boolean requiresElevatedSecurityCheck​(String userName)
        Description copied from interface: LoginManager
        This is called to see whether the user requires an extended security check (such as CAPTCHA)
        Specified by:
        requiresElevatedSecurityCheck in interface LoginManager
        userName - the name of the user in play. This MUST not be null.
        true if the user with the user name userName requires an extended security check
      • resetFailedLoginCount

        public void resetFailedLoginCount​(com.atlassian.user.User user)
        Description copied from interface: LoginManager
        This can be called to reset the failed login count of a user
        Specified by:
        resetFailedLoginCount in interface LoginManager
        user - the user for which to reset the failed login count. This MUST not be null.
      • getLoginInfo

        public @Nullable LoginInfo getLoginInfo​(String userName)
        Description copied from interface: LoginManager
        Return information about a user's login history.
        Specified by:
        getLoginInfo in interface LoginManager
      • getLoginInfo

        public @Nullable LoginInfo getLoginInfo​(com.atlassian.user.User user)
        Description copied from interface: LoginManager
        Return information about a user's login history.
        Specified by:
        getLoginInfo in interface LoginManager