Interface SpacePermissionAccessMapper

    • Method Detail

      • getPermissionCheckSubjectTypes

        com.atlassian.fugue.Either<AccessDenied,​Set<SpacePermissionSubjectType>> getPermissionCheckSubjectTypes​(@NonNull AccessStatus accessStatus,
                                                                                                                      @NonNull String permissionType)

        Determines the permission subject types that apply for a given user's AccessStatus and the space permission type being checked.


        • licensed users receive a permission if any permission subject type grants them that permission
        • users with unlicensed authenticated access only receive a permission if the "all users" subject type has that permission
        • anonymous users only receive a permission if the "anonymous" permission subject type has that permission
        • anonymous and users with unlicensed authenticated access users can't ever receive SpacePermission.ADMINISTER_SPACE_PERMISSION, so will be denied
        • users without access to Confluence can't receive any permissions, so will be denied

        A result of AccessDenied will be returned if either: the user (may be anonymous) does not have access to Confluence OR the given permission type is invalid for the user's AccessStatus.

        accessStatus - access status for the user
        permissionType - the type of SpacePermission being checked
        Either.Right containing a NON-EMPTY set of permission subject types that apply for the given access status and permission type, or Either.Left if there are no permission subject types that apply