Class LuceneQueryTokenizer

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class LuceneQueryTokenizer
    extends Object
    implements QueryTokenizer
    The purpose of this class is to wrap the tokens emitted from lucene analysis inside our own QueryTokens so that we can tag some additional meaning. Although we could have modified the 'type' property of lucene tokens, we would have had to tinker with all the analyzers for each of the languages we have, which is not feasible.
    • Constructor Detail

      • LuceneQueryTokenizer

        public LuceneQueryTokenizer​(org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer unstemmedAnalyzer)
    • Method Detail

      • tokenize

        public List<QueryToken> tokenize​(String query)
        Description copied from interface: QueryTokenizer
        Produces query tokens from the specified query.
        Specified by:
        tokenize in interface QueryTokenizer
        query - the query
        query tokens from the specified query. Returns empty list for null or empty query.