Interface TrashRemovalManager

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface TrashRemovalManager
    Delete trashed entities per trash retention rules set out in GlobalRetentionPolicy or SpaceRetentionPolicy Entities can be deleted gradually in batches (soft removal) or all at once (hard removal)
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void hardRemove()
      Delete all trashed entities per trash retention rules Note: This may take a long time depend on number of trashed entities that fail retention rules
      void softRemove​(int limit)
      Delete up to batchSize trashed entities per trash retention rules
    • Method Detail

      • softRemove

        void softRemove​(int limit)
        Delete up to batchSize trashed entities per trash retention rules
        limit - maximum number of trashed entities to delete in this run
      • hardRemove

        void hardRemove()
        Delete all trashed entities per trash retention rules Note: This may take a long time depend on number of trashed entities that fail retention rules