Class ThumbnailRenderer

  • public class ThumbnailRenderer
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • ThumbnailRenderer

        public ThumbnailRenderer​(com.atlassian.core.util.thumbnail.Thumber thumber,
                                 Predicate<ImageDimensions> rasterBasedRenderingThreshold)
    • Method Detail

      • createThumbnail

        public com.atlassian.core.util.thumbnail.Thumbnail createThumbnail​(File inputFile,
                                                                           File outputFile,
                                                                           int maxWidth,
                                                                           int maxHeight)
        Create a Thumbnail from the input file. Thumbnails will always be PNG thumbnails!
        inputFile - - The attachment that contains the image data
        outputFile - - The thumbnail file that will be used to store the rendered thumbnail
        maxWidth - - The maximum width of the thumbnail - this renderer maintains the aspect ratio of the original image
        maxHeight - - The maximum height of the thumbnail - this renderer maintains the aspect ratio of the original image
        Thumbnail that is at most maxWidthxmaxHeight, never returns null
        ThumbnailRenderException - if the thumbnail cannot be created.
      • createThumbnail

        public com.atlassian.core.util.thumbnail.Thumbnail createThumbnail​(InputStream inputStream,
                                                                           File outputFile,
                                                                           int maxWidth,
                                                                           int maxHeight)
        Create a Thumbnail from the input stream. Thumbnails will always be PNG thumbnails!
        inputStream - - The stream that contains the image data
        outputFile - - The thumbnail file that will be used to store the rendered thumbnail
        maxWidth - - The maximum width of the thumbnail - this renderer maintains the aspect ratio of the original image
        maxHeight - - The maximum height of the thumbnail - this renderer maintains the aspect ratio of the original image
        Thumbnail that is at most maxWidthxmaxHeight, never returns null
        ThumbnailRenderException - if the thumbnail cannot be created.
      • withStreamConsumer

        public static <T> T withStreamConsumer​(InputStream inputStream,
                                               InputStreamConsumer<T> sc)
        Call the InputStreamConsumer with input stream ensuring that the input stream gets closed properly afterwards.
        inputStream - The stream containing the image data
        sc - The InputStreamConsumer that consumes the file data InputStream