Class ObjectStorageAttachmentDataUtil

  • public class ObjectStorageAttachmentDataUtil
    extends Object
    • Method Detail

      • writeStreamToPath

        public static void writeStreamToPath​(InputStream data,
                                             com.atlassian.dc.filestore.api.FileStore.Path destFile,
                                             @Nullable Long expectedFileSize)
        Writes stream to destination file. If the number of bytes in the stream do not match up with the expected size of the attachment an error will be thrown and the write will be aborted.
        data - attachment body represented as a stream
        destFile - path to copy stream into
        expectedFileSize - expected size of the created file. May be null of no size check is to be performed.
        AttachmentDataStreamSizeMismatchException - if the number of bytes in the stream does not match the expectedAttachmentSize