Class BandanaJournalStateStore

    • Constructor Detail

      • BandanaJournalStateStore

        public BandanaJournalStateStore​(com.atlassian.bandana.BandanaPersister bandanaPersister,
                                        com.atlassian.bandana.BandanaContext bandanaContext)
    • Method Detail

      • getMostRecentId

        public long getMostRecentId​(@NonNull JournalIdentifier journalId)
                             throws org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException
        Description copied from interface: JournalStateStore
        Returns the most recent id for a journal or 0 if no id has been stored yet.

        New journal is automatically created if a journal with the given name does not exists.

        Specified by:
        getMostRecentId in interface JournalStateStore
        journalId - id of the journal
        most recent id for a journal or 0 if no id has been stored yet
        org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException - if reading the id failed
      • setMostRecentId

        public void setMostRecentId​(@NonNull JournalIdentifier journalId,
                                    long id)
                             throws org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException
        Description copied from interface: JournalStateStore
        Set the most recent identifier for a journal.

        New journal is automatically created if a journal with the given name does not exists.

        Only positive identifiers (e.g. > 0) can be stored.

        Specified by:
        setMostRecentId in interface JournalStateStore
        journalId - id of the journal
        id - identifier to store as the most recent id
        org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException - if persisting the id failed.