Class WikiToStorageConverterImpl

    • Method Detail

      • convertWikiToStorage

        public String convertWikiToStorage​(String wikiContent,
                                           ConversionContext context,
                                           List<RuntimeException> migrationExceptions)
        Description copied from interface: WikiToStorageConverter
        Returns the XHTML storage format equivalent of the supplied wikiContent (wiki markup).
        Specified by:
        convertWikiToStorage in interface WikiToStorageConverter
        wikiContent - to be converted.
        context - for the conversion.
        migrationExceptions - that will be populated with any exceptions that take place during the migration. There may be multiple exceptions if there are multiple wiki markup sections.
        the XHTML storage format equivalent.
      • convertWikiBodyToStorage

        public <T extends ContentEntityObject> T convertWikiBodyToStorage​(T ceo)
        Description copied from interface: WikiToStorageConverter

        Convert the body of the supplied ContentEntityObject to Confluence Storage Format XHTML (if necessary).

        Since for now and the near future Confluence may have both wiki formatted and XHTML formatted ContentEntityObjects in the system (wiki formatted historical versions may be present in an upgraded installation) this method provides a convenient way to ensure you only need to handle ContentEntityObjects with the new XHTML format of body.

        Note that the returned ceo is a clone of the passed in version, even if no conversion was necessary.

        Specified by:
        convertWikiBodyToStorage in interface WikiToStorageConverter
        ceo - the ContentEntityObject to be converted (if necessary).
        a clone of the provided ContentEntityObject with its wiki formatted body converted.