Class HibernatePrefetchHelper

  • public class HibernatePrefetchHelper
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • HibernatePrefetchHelper

        public HibernatePrefetchHelper​(org.springframework.orm.hibernate5.HibernateOperations hibernate)
    • Method Detail

      • prefetchEntitiesById

        public <T> Collection<T> prefetchEntitiesById​(String idPropertyName,
                                                      Collection<?> ids,
                                                      Class<T> entityType)
        Attempts to efficiently load Hibernate entities of a given type given a collection od IDs.

        Note that if the entities are already present in the Hibernate L2 cache, then this query will be doing unnecessary work, and the cached entities could be fetched by net.sf.hibernate.Session#get(Class, Serializable). However, there's no way to make this determination without getting up to our elbows in Hibernate's innards, which probably isn't worth it.

        the number of entities that were prefetched
      • partitionedQuery

        public static <I,​O> Collection<O> partitionedQuery​(Collection<I> inputItems,
                                                                 int partitionSize,
                                                                 Function<Collection<I>,​Collection<O>> query)
        A convenience method for running a query against a large set of inputs. The inputs are partitioned up and the query is executed for each partition. The results are then recombined into a single collection.