Class UserResource

  • public class UserResource
    extends Object
    User management features missing from core Confluence today.

    Shamelessly copy-pasta'd from the Crowd REST Plugin SearchResource and SearchController, with simplifications to make it use the CrowdService, instead of the ApplicationService.

    • Constructor Detail

      • UserResource

        public UserResource​(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.CrowdService crowdService,
                            PersonService personService,
                            UserAccessor userAccessor)
    • Method Detail

      • searchUsers

        public searchUsers​(SearchRestrictionEntity searchRestrictionEntity,
                                                     int startIndex,
                                                     int maxResults)
      • searchGroups

        public searchGroups​(SearchRestrictionEntity searchRestrictionEntity,
                                                      int startIndex,
                                                      int maxResults)
      • unsyncUser

        public void unsyncUser​(String username)
                        throws com.atlassian.crowd.exception.OperationNotPermittedException
      • countUnsyncedUsers

        public countUnsyncedUsers()