Class DefaultSummariser

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class DefaultSummariser
    extends Object
    implements Summariser
    This default implementation is a front for various existing util classes in Confluence.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultSummariser

        public DefaultSummariser()
    • Method Detail

      • summarise

        public String summarise​(String xhtml)
        Make use of various existing Confluence utilities to summarise the supplied XHTML. If the process fails then the supplied parameter will be returned unchanged.
        Specified by:
        summarise in interface Summariser
        xhtml - the content to be summarised.
        a summary of the supplied XHTML content which is no longer than 255 characters.
      • summarise

        public String summarise​(String xhtml,
                                int maxLength,
                                boolean ellipses)
        Description copied from interface: Summariser
        Like {@see #summarise(String)} but provides more control over the summary process.
        Specified by:
        summarise in interface Summariser
        xhtml - the content to be summarised.
        maxLength - the maximum length of String to return
        ellipses - if true then truncated text will be ended with '...'.
        the summarised version of the xhtml parameter