Class ReferenceMatchers

  • public final class ReferenceMatchers
    extends Object
    Hamcrest matchers for Reference objects.
    • Method Detail

      • isCollapsedReferenceWithOrWithoutProperties

        public static org.hamcrest.Matcher<Reference<?>> isCollapsedReferenceWithOrWithoutProperties​(Class<?> expectedReferentClass)
        Matches collapsed references to the specified class, even if they are non-specific ones without properties set for generating navigation links
      • isCollapsedReferenceWithProperties

        public static org.hamcrest.Matcher<Reference<?>> isCollapsedReferenceWithProperties​(Class<?> expectedReferentClass)
        Matches collapsed references to the specified class, and checks they have properties set for generating navigation links
      • isEmptyReference

        public static com.atlassian.confluence.api.testsupport.matchers.model.reference.ReferenceMatchers.EmptyReferenceMatcher isEmptyReference​(Class<?> expectedReferentClass)
        Matches empty references to the specified class
      • isCollapsedList

        public static org.hamcrest.Matcher<List<?>> isCollapsedList()
        Matches Lists which implement Collapsed and whose iterator throws IllegalStateException (e.g. CollapsedList)
      • isEmptyNonCollapsedList

        public static org.hamcrest.Matcher<List<?>> isEmptyNonCollapsedList()
        Matches Lists which do not implement Collapsed and whose iterator is empty
      • isEmptyNonCollapsedPageResponse

        public static org.hamcrest.Matcher<PageResponse<?>> isEmptyNonCollapsedPageResponse()
        Matches PageResponses which do not implement Collapsed and whose iterator is empty
      • isCollapsedMap

        public static org.hamcrest.Matcher<Map<?,​?>> isCollapsedMap()
        Matches Maps which implement Collapsed and whose iterator throws IllegalStateException (e.g. CollapsedMap)
      • isEmptyNonCollapsedMap

        public static org.hamcrest.Matcher<Map<?,​?>> isEmptyNonCollapsedMap()
        Matches Maps which do not implement Collapsed and which are empty