Package com.atlassian.confluence.api.service.exceptions
Class Summary Class Description ApiPreconditions -
Exception Summary Exception Description BadRequestException Thrown when the data in the incoming request is incomplete or otherwise invalid.ConflictException Thrown when a request cannot be performed due to the state of the content, as per the semantics of the HTTP 409 'Conflict' status code.ContentTooLongException TODO replace with httpcore exception of the same name when that's widely available to pluginsGoneException Thrown when things that are expected to be found are GONE.InternalServerException A ServiceException wrapper for a general runtime exception.InvalidRepresentationException Thrown when an operation is attempted that is not valid for the kind of ContentBody you are providing.LicenseUnavailableException Thrown when no more licenses available to perform an operation as per the semantics of the HTTP 402 'Payment Required' status code.NotAuthenticatedException Thrown when user is not authenticated as per the semantics of the HTTP 401 'Unauthorised' status code.NotFoundException Thrown when things that are expected to be found are NOT found.PermissionException Raised when a user attempts to perform an action they do not have permission for.ReadOnlyException This exception is thrown when things that are expected to be read-onlySeeOtherException Raised to return an http 303 'see other' to the client.ServiceException All thrown API Service-level exceptions should extend this exception.