Class WebDriverSetupTest

  • @Deprecated
    public class WebDriverSetupTest
    extends Object
    since 7.14.0 , use SetupConfluenceTest from confluence-stateless-test-runner instead
    Setups up Confluence for Web Driver tests.

    A standard install is done through the setup wizard with a commercial license and the Functest Rpc plugin is installed.

    This test also visits some pages after setup to cater for initial javascript load time and stop tests from intermittent failures.

    We can pass system properties to control setup flow -Dsetup.type (evaluation or production): set setup type to evaluation or production (default) -Dsetup.enter.license.type (enterLicense or loginMAC): set enter license type to loginMAC or enterLicense(default) -DdisableOnboarding: disable confluence onboarding when run setup test (enable by default) -DuseExampleSite: use example site (include demonstration space) instead of empty site(default)

    • Field Detail

      • webDriverScreenshotRule

        public com.atlassian.webdriver.testing.rule.WebDriverScreenshotRule webDriverScreenshotRule
      • sessionCleanupRule

        public com.atlassian.webdriver.testing.rule.SessionCleanupRule sessionCleanupRule
      • javaScriptErrorsRule

        public com.atlassian.webdriver.testing.rule.JavaScriptErrorsRule javaScriptErrorsRule
    • Constructor Detail

      • WebDriverSetupTest

        public WebDriverSetupTest()