AbstractI18NResource |
CachingI18NBeanFactory |
ClasspathI18NResource |
I18NResource reading resource bundle from the classpath
CombinedResourceBundleFactory |
DefaultI18NBean |
Responsible for fetching internationalised text given a key.
DefaultI18NBeanFactory |
Produces I18NBean s which will return a bean either for the default or setup locale.
DefaultI18nModeManager |
DocumentationLink |
A user interface documentation link consisting of a key.
DynamicI18NBeanFactory |
Produces the best I18NBean s it can at the point it is first called upon.
HelpPathsI18NResource |
I18NResourceBundlesLoader |
Simulates the behaviour of ResourceBundle.getBundle() and searches for all bundles for a locale from most specific to least specific
LanguagePluginI18NResource |
LightningTranslationMode |
Message |
A user interface message consisting of a message key with optional arguments.
NormalTranslationMode |
PluginI18NResource |
ResourceBundleI18NResource |
ResourceBundlesCollector |
Class that:
takes a map of resource bundles (keyed by locale) or single resource bundles
sorts them by locale
combines all bundles keyed by the same locale into one CombinedResourceBundle
and returns a list of CombinedResourceBundles in the correct locale order (most specific locales come first.
UserI18NBeanFactory |
I18N bean factory which will return an I18N bean configured for the
current user's locale.
UserLocaleAwareBeanPostProcessor |
VersionSpecificDocumentationBean |
Constructs a version specific link to Confluence's documentation.
VersionSpecificDocumentationBeanFactory |
DocumentationBeanFactory which returns VersionSpecificDocumentationBeans for the Confluence instance.